In light of finals week, I thought I'd share a couple of things I've learned about life while being away from home and completing my first semester of college.
1.) God will place you where ever he feels you could best utilize the talents He has given you. Throughout my journey in choosing a college, I depended on the Lord to help me decide where I was supposed to be. I couldn't be more thrilled that he placed me here at Bethel University. I can't imagine spending the next four years of my life anywhere else.
2.) Grades do not define who you are as a person. One bad grade on an assignment or test does not make me any less of a person. I'm thankful for professors who remind me of that everyday.
3.) The friends you meet in college are the friends you will have your entire life. I never believed people when they tried to tell me this is high school, but it's so true. I've met some pretty incredible people while here at Bethel. I'm blessed to have awesome girls on my floor who I get along with so well.
4.) Volunteering each week makes you a better person. Plus it's an awesome study break! I've been volunteering at Young Life, which is a Christian youth mentoring program, since school started and although there have been weeks where I feel like I don't want to go because I have too much homework or I don't feel like it, I do anyways and I never regret it.
5.) Coffee becomes one of your friends. And it's perfectly acceptable to drink it at any time of the day.
6.) It may seem like a really great thing to be an adult and live away from home, but it's hard. You learn to appreciate being at home with your family with home-cooked meals and your own bed.
7.) It's perfectly normal to nap at any time of the day. Even if it's at 10pm at night.
8.) Being an active presence at college is important. Merely being a student and going back to your room is not enough. I've learned to go to as many football games, school dances, events, town-hall meetings, and school-sponsored festivals that I can possibly do. It makes me feel more connected to the Bethel-community.
9.) Making time for yourself is essential. It's easy to get caught up in school work and your social life, but you have to make time for yourself to better your emotional and physical health.
10.) Things like dusting, vacuuming, doing laundry, and washing dishes become a means for procrastination.
11.) Pray about everything
12.) Look at everything as a blessing.
13.) Don't study too much. It's okay to enjoy a night of no studying!
Merry Christmas!
Miss Brainerd Lakes 2013
Gretchen Ennis Photography

Friday, December 20, 2013
Thursday, December 5, 2013
I'm been thinking a lot lately about life and how blessed I am.
Things that I'm grateful for:
Jesus. He is so awesome. I only hope that others can experience His love and mercy, for my life is not my own, but His.
My parents. They have been two of the biggest blessings in my life. Their love is unfailing and I'm so incredibly grateful.
Bethel University. I've grown closer to God than I ever thought possible. I love being surround by such faith-driven people.
Piano. Such a beautiful way that I get to relive stress. God has given me a gift and so thankful.
My family. Their support means the world to me.
My friends. I have such an amazing group of girl friends who always know how to cheer me up.
My boyfriend. He is such a loving and supportive guy who has never ONCE put a dream of mine down.
The title of Miss Brainerd Lakes 2013. It gives me an avenue to make a difference in my community, plus my first two years of college are paid for through Miss America Scholarships. I'm so lucky.
My morning cup of coffee. I'm not sure I would be able to function without it. Many thanks to college for getting me addicted again.
Even moment I've broken down in tears because I felt that life was to much to handle. They are good reminders that God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. He doesn't give me anything I can't handle.
Fall. It's my favorite season. The leaves remind me that we can all be made new in the image of Christ. That even if we fall, we have the ability to be made new.
The ability to love. Sure, I've had my heart broken and I've broken hearts but I'm grateful that God has given me the ability to feel what it's like to love and be loved in return.
Past relationships. They've showed me what I deserve in life.
The Christmas music that is playing right now as I write this.
The ability to be sitting in a big, comfy chair in a nice, warm building. Some people don't get that privilege.
The finals week that is coming up. It reminds me that I'm lucky enough to be able to get an education at such an amazing school.
YoungLife, the Christian youth program I volunteer at each week with my boyfriend. I think it gives some sanity. Taking 17 credits as a freshman is extremely stressful and trying to balance a social life, piano lessons, and the volunteer work that comes with being Miss Brainerd Lakes can be hard. YoungLife gives me a way to relieve some stress while connecting with middle-schoolers in the Richfield area. I get to share God's love... Incredible!
I hope that, as the holiday season comes in full force, that you take a minute to remind yourself of the things in your life that you are grateful for.
Your sister in Christ,
Things that I'm grateful for:
Jesus. He is so awesome. I only hope that others can experience His love and mercy, for my life is not my own, but His.
My parents. They have been two of the biggest blessings in my life. Their love is unfailing and I'm so incredibly grateful.
Bethel University. I've grown closer to God than I ever thought possible. I love being surround by such faith-driven people.
Piano. Such a beautiful way that I get to relive stress. God has given me a gift and so thankful.
My family. Their support means the world to me.
My friends. I have such an amazing group of girl friends who always know how to cheer me up.
My boyfriend. He is such a loving and supportive guy who has never ONCE put a dream of mine down.
The title of Miss Brainerd Lakes 2013. It gives me an avenue to make a difference in my community, plus my first two years of college are paid for through Miss America Scholarships. I'm so lucky.
My morning cup of coffee. I'm not sure I would be able to function without it. Many thanks to college for getting me addicted again.
Even moment I've broken down in tears because I felt that life was to much to handle. They are good reminders that God gives his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. He doesn't give me anything I can't handle.
Fall. It's my favorite season. The leaves remind me that we can all be made new in the image of Christ. That even if we fall, we have the ability to be made new.
The ability to love. Sure, I've had my heart broken and I've broken hearts but I'm grateful that God has given me the ability to feel what it's like to love and be loved in return.
Past relationships. They've showed me what I deserve in life.
The Christmas music that is playing right now as I write this.
The ability to be sitting in a big, comfy chair in a nice, warm building. Some people don't get that privilege.
The finals week that is coming up. It reminds me that I'm lucky enough to be able to get an education at such an amazing school.
YoungLife, the Christian youth program I volunteer at each week with my boyfriend. I think it gives some sanity. Taking 17 credits as a freshman is extremely stressful and trying to balance a social life, piano lessons, and the volunteer work that comes with being Miss Brainerd Lakes can be hard. YoungLife gives me a way to relieve some stress while connecting with middle-schoolers in the Richfield area. I get to share God's love... Incredible!
I hope that, as the holiday season comes in full force, that you take a minute to remind yourself of the things in your life that you are grateful for.
Your sister in Christ,
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
My week at a glance.
This past week was filled with many fun and memorable appearances! On top of Thanksgiving, I managed to pack some appearances in.
Last Tuesday, I spoke to students at my alma mater, Nisswa Elementary School, about Alzheimer's and dementia. I spoke to students in kindergarten through 4th grade. It was so fun to be back and see the teachers that I had when I was in elementary school and reminisce memories of my time at Nisswa Elementary. I'm so grateful God has given an avenue to speak about a cause that's close to my heart while making a difference in my community. I'm even more blessed to be able to speak about Alzheimer's while wearing a crown on my head. I really felt that the students understood what I was talking about, even the kindergarteners, whose random questions like "Does your Dad know how to use a fork?" make me laugh. All-in-all, it was a fantastic day and I feel blessed God gave me the opportunity to speak to those students.
Friday was the City of Lights celebration in downtown Nisswa. This is Nisswa's kickoff to Christmas celebration in which they start a countdown at 5:29pm until 5:30pm and the whole city turns their Christmas lights on at the same time. This is always one of my favorite celebrations in my little hometown. The people truly make this celebration. They are always so energetic, even when it's freezing outside. I'm so blessed to live in such a great community!
Saturday my parents and I headed down to the Mall of America because my sister queens and I performed Christmas carols in the Rotunda. Glitz Gowns, a sponsor of the Miss Minnesota Scholarship Program, was gracious enough to let us borrow gowns to wear for our performance, which was extremely generous of them! The performance was short, but it went fairly smoothly and I was able to meet a lot of people, including the cutest little girls who were so starstruck by our crowns and sashes. We signed many autograph cards and posed for lots of pictures. I was exhausted by the end, but it was fun and really put me in mood for Christmas!
This next weekend I'll be ringing bells for the Salvation Army.
Hope you have a blessed week!
Miss Brainerd Lakes 2013
Last Tuesday, I spoke to students at my alma mater, Nisswa Elementary School, about Alzheimer's and dementia. I spoke to students in kindergarten through 4th grade. It was so fun to be back and see the teachers that I had when I was in elementary school and reminisce memories of my time at Nisswa Elementary. I'm so grateful God has given an avenue to speak about a cause that's close to my heart while making a difference in my community. I'm even more blessed to be able to speak about Alzheimer's while wearing a crown on my head. I really felt that the students understood what I was talking about, even the kindergarteners, whose random questions like "Does your Dad know how to use a fork?" make me laugh. All-in-all, it was a fantastic day and I feel blessed God gave me the opportunity to speak to those students.
Friday was the City of Lights celebration in downtown Nisswa. This is Nisswa's kickoff to Christmas celebration in which they start a countdown at 5:29pm until 5:30pm and the whole city turns their Christmas lights on at the same time. This is always one of my favorite celebrations in my little hometown. The people truly make this celebration. They are always so energetic, even when it's freezing outside. I'm so blessed to live in such a great community!
Saturday my parents and I headed down to the Mall of America because my sister queens and I performed Christmas carols in the Rotunda. Glitz Gowns, a sponsor of the Miss Minnesota Scholarship Program, was gracious enough to let us borrow gowns to wear for our performance, which was extremely generous of them! The performance was short, but it went fairly smoothly and I was able to meet a lot of people, including the cutest little girls who were so starstruck by our crowns and sashes. We signed many autograph cards and posed for lots of pictures. I was exhausted by the end, but it was fun and really put me in mood for Christmas!
This next weekend I'll be ringing bells for the Salvation Army.
Hope you have a blessed week!
Miss Brainerd Lakes 2013
Monday, November 4, 2013
Kids Against Hunger and a Christmas photo shoot!
Last week, I was in Nisswa volunteering at Kids Against Hunger. Kids Against Hunger is an organization that packages meals for people locally and for places in need outside the United States. My sister queens and I plus a dear friend and Miss Nisswa 2013, Carissa, packaged over 1,700 meals for children in Haiti and Syria. It was such a rewarding morning!
Then this past weekend, we had our Christmas photo shoot with John Nelson of Photographycs! John is such a great photographer and we are so lucky that he is willing to work with the Miss Brainerd Lakes Scholarship Program :) Our shoot was a Christmas Point in Baxter, which is basically all things Christmas packed into one store! Especially this time of year :) I think the picture will turn out pretty great! Many thanks to John for all of his creativity and work.
Miss Brainerd Lakes 2013
Then this past weekend, we had our Christmas photo shoot with John Nelson of Photographycs! John is such a great photographer and we are so lucky that he is willing to work with the Miss Brainerd Lakes Scholarship Program :) Our shoot was a Christmas Point in Baxter, which is basically all things Christmas packed into one store! Especially this time of year :) I think the picture will turn out pretty great! Many thanks to John for all of his creativity and work.
Miss Brainerd Lakes 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
A Trip to Bemidji, a Style Show, and a Weekend at Bethel.
Last week, I traveled to Bemidji for the Miss Northern Lakes, Miss Bemidji, and Miss Northern Lakes' Outstanding Teen pageants. It's crazy to think that there are just four titleholders to be crowned and the Miss Minnesota Class of 2014 is complete! Congratulations to Jade, Hope, and Lizzy :)
Last Tuesday I made the drive to Nisswa for the night for the Nisswa Women of Today Style Show at Grandview! This was my third year modeling, but this year I modeled for a new store called Catherine's located in downtown Nisswa. If you haven't been there I highly recommend you visit because it's one of the cutest stores in Nisswa. I spent way to much money there :)
This weekend was so much fun because I was able to pick up my little sister queen, Molly, and she was able to spend the weekend here at Bethel with me. Friday, we went to a dance party and went bowling at a bowling alley close to Bethel. I walked away with score of 46. I like to think I'm a good bowler, but really I'm not. At least it was fun!
Saturday was such an exciting day as Bethel football was playing the University of St. Thomas! I knew it was going to be an exciting game as both teams were pretty good teams. Bethel was undefeated, so this was an especially important game as we wanted to keep the undefeated streak going. In a close game with five minutes left in the fourth quarter, Bethel comes up from behind and scores a touchdown! Bethel walked away with the win. Sweet victory :) I know God was on that field playing with those guys! Our God is such an incredible God :)
This coming weekend, I'll be in Nisswa packaging meals for starving children in Haiti at Kids Against Hunger.
Last Tuesday I made the drive to Nisswa for the night for the Nisswa Women of Today Style Show at Grandview! This was my third year modeling, but this year I modeled for a new store called Catherine's located in downtown Nisswa. If you haven't been there I highly recommend you visit because it's one of the cutest stores in Nisswa. I spent way to much money there :)
This weekend was so much fun because I was able to pick up my little sister queen, Molly, and she was able to spend the weekend here at Bethel with me. Friday, we went to a dance party and went bowling at a bowling alley close to Bethel. I walked away with score of 46. I like to think I'm a good bowler, but really I'm not. At least it was fun!
Saturday was such an exciting day as Bethel football was playing the University of St. Thomas! I knew it was going to be an exciting game as both teams were pretty good teams. Bethel was undefeated, so this was an especially important game as we wanted to keep the undefeated streak going. In a close game with five minutes left in the fourth quarter, Bethel comes up from behind and scores a touchdown! Bethel walked away with the win. Sweet victory :) I know God was on that field playing with those guys! Our God is such an incredible God :)
This coming weekend, I'll be in Nisswa packaging meals for starving children in Haiti at Kids Against Hunger.
Monday, October 7, 2013
A week at a glance.
This past week has been so insanely busy. I'm not sure that I could have crammed one more thing into my schedule!
It seems that my professors decided to load this past week with hours of homework. On top of that, it was Bethel University's homecoming week. There were many late nights and my stress was elevated to a new level, but I manage to get through the week alive!
Friday night was Bethel's homecoming banquet. It was so much fun to just dress up and celebrate the end of a stressful week. The past week I've been feeling extra blessed and thankful that I get to be here at Bethel. I'm surrounded by such an incredible, Christ-driven community. I feel that God placed me here for a reason and I'm so grateful he did.
Saturday was probably one of the most busy days I've had in a while! I woke up at 5:30AM and was on the road by 7:30AM to head to Brainerd because it was also Brainerd's homecoming celebration. I was running on 4 hours of sleep but managed to stay awake the entire day (many thanks to coffee!). I was quite literally in Brainerd for 40 minutes for the parade (in the rain I might add) before heading back down to St. Paul because it was Bethel's homecoming football game against Augsburg. Dedicated? Yes. I drove nearly 4.5 hours for a 40 minute appearance but it was completely worth it. I promised to make the most of my year as Miss Brainerd Lakes, even if that meant sacrificing sleep!
The Bethel football game was an excited one as both Bethel and Augsburg are undefeated teams. Bethel walked away with the win in an exciting game! Proud to be a Royal :)
After the game, I had a few hours to grab dinner quick and get ready for the Miss Southern Valley and Miss Southern Valley's Outstanding Teen pageant in Lakeville, MN! It felt like I had been living out of my car on Saturday :) Hashtag queen probs!
This coming week will be another busy weekend as I will be walking in the Autism walk in support of Philip and the Yeh family as well as attending the Miss Northern Lakes/Bemidji and Miss Northern Lakes' Outstanding Teen pageant. It should be another fun weekend!
It seems that my professors decided to load this past week with hours of homework. On top of that, it was Bethel University's homecoming week. There were many late nights and my stress was elevated to a new level, but I manage to get through the week alive!
Friday night was Bethel's homecoming banquet. It was so much fun to just dress up and celebrate the end of a stressful week. The past week I've been feeling extra blessed and thankful that I get to be here at Bethel. I'm surrounded by such an incredible, Christ-driven community. I feel that God placed me here for a reason and I'm so grateful he did.
Saturday was probably one of the most busy days I've had in a while! I woke up at 5:30AM and was on the road by 7:30AM to head to Brainerd because it was also Brainerd's homecoming celebration. I was running on 4 hours of sleep but managed to stay awake the entire day (many thanks to coffee!). I was quite literally in Brainerd for 40 minutes for the parade (in the rain I might add) before heading back down to St. Paul because it was Bethel's homecoming football game against Augsburg. Dedicated? Yes. I drove nearly 4.5 hours for a 40 minute appearance but it was completely worth it. I promised to make the most of my year as Miss Brainerd Lakes, even if that meant sacrificing sleep!
The Bethel football game was an excited one as both Bethel and Augsburg are undefeated teams. Bethel walked away with the win in an exciting game! Proud to be a Royal :)
After the game, I had a few hours to grab dinner quick and get ready for the Miss Southern Valley and Miss Southern Valley's Outstanding Teen pageant in Lakeville, MN! It felt like I had been living out of my car on Saturday :) Hashtag queen probs!
Bethel ladies :)
Ladies from Brainerd :) that will make 4 ladies from Brainerd competing at Miss Minnesota this year!
This coming week will be another busy weekend as I will be walking in the Autism walk in support of Philip and the Yeh family as well as attending the Miss Northern Lakes/Bemidji and Miss Northern Lakes' Outstanding Teen pageant. It should be another fun weekend!
Monday, September 23, 2013
The Walk to End Alzheimer's and Nisswa Fall Festival
On Saturday, I walked in my fifth Walk to End Alzheimer's in Brainerd. I was feeling very blessed that day as my Dad was able to attend this year again. In 2009, he was diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer's and has since progressed to not being able to drive or be left alone. The same year he was diagnosed, we were honored as the Honorary Chair family for the very first Walk to End Alzheimer's in Brainerd. As a family, we haven't missed a walk yet! Each year I participate in the Walk, I become a bit more grateful that my Dad is able to be there. I certainly cherish that time because I know that there will come a day when he won't be able to come to the Walk. That time may be next year or it may be in ten years.
I've been blessed with incredible family and friends who are so supportive! All three of my sister queens were able to make it to the Walk that day along with three of the Miss Brainerd Lakes Princesses and my director, Cyndi. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day! God has blessed me with some incredible people in my life :) Thanks to those who have supported my family and I on this long and hard journey with Alzheimer's disease.
After the Walk, we headed to Nisswa for the 40th Annual Fall Festival! We spent the day walking around, shopping, eating a bit too much, and chatting with the people of Nisswa. All four of us queens and a Miss Brainerd Lakes Princess, Andi, participated in a chalk drawing contest and ended up winning! It was such a fun day that ended with the four of us presenting the awards for the BBQ contest. It was a great kick-off for fall :)
I've been blessed with incredible family and friends who are so supportive! All three of my sister queens were able to make it to the Walk that day along with three of the Miss Brainerd Lakes Princesses and my director, Cyndi. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day! God has blessed me with some incredible people in my life :) Thanks to those who have supported my family and I on this long and hard journey with Alzheimer's disease.
After the Walk, we headed to Nisswa for the 40th Annual Fall Festival! We spent the day walking around, shopping, eating a bit too much, and chatting with the people of Nisswa. All four of us queens and a Miss Brainerd Lakes Princess, Andi, participated in a chalk drawing contest and ended up winning! It was such a fun day that ended with the four of us presenting the awards for the BBQ contest. It was a great kick-off for fall :)
Monday, September 9, 2013
Mounted Eagles Walk and Roll and Miss Moorhead!
Saturday was a very busy day for me! It started with the Mounted Eagles Walk and Roll in Pequot Lakes, MN. Mounted Eagles is an organization that provides horse rides to people with disabilities in the Brainerd Lakes Area. Molly, Miss Brainerd Lakes' Outstanding Teen and myself started the walk/bike ride with a countdown. It was so great to be there and meet some of the individuals who participate in events at Mounted Eagles. They have such a personality and live their lives to the fullest. We could all learn a few things from them! Two particular guys stood out, David and Danny. They had such kind spirits! It was fun seeing them smile when we asked to take a picture with them. Such excitement!
After the walk started, Molly and I headed to Moorhead, MN for the Miss Moorhead and Miss Moorhead's Outstanding Teen pageant held at MN State University right in Moorhead. This was our first official local pageant as the new Brainerd Lakes titleholders and marked two weeks since we were crowned. I was happy to see a lot of the ladies that I haven't gotten to see for a while! It's always so much fun to go to local pageants like this and see everyone :) It's a happy reunion!
As I begin another week of school, I'm already looking forward to what this next weekend has in store! I will be volunteering the NEDA (eating disorder) walk at the Mall of America on Sunday then back to Brainerd for a Miss America viewing party at a friends house! I'm excited to cheer on Rebecca Yeh, our Miss Minnesota 2013! She has been such a beautiful representative of our great state and whether or not she is crowned Miss America on Sunday night doesn't make her any less of a titleholder. We love our Miss Minnesota!
After the walk started, Molly and I headed to Moorhead, MN for the Miss Moorhead and Miss Moorhead's Outstanding Teen pageant held at MN State University right in Moorhead. This was our first official local pageant as the new Brainerd Lakes titleholders and marked two weeks since we were crowned. I was happy to see a lot of the ladies that I haven't gotten to see for a while! It's always so much fun to go to local pageants like this and see everyone :) It's a happy reunion!
As I begin another week of school, I'm already looking forward to what this next weekend has in store! I will be volunteering the NEDA (eating disorder) walk at the Mall of America on Sunday then back to Brainerd for a Miss America viewing party at a friends house! I'm excited to cheer on Rebecca Yeh, our Miss Minnesota 2013! She has been such a beautiful representative of our great state and whether or not she is crowned Miss America on Sunday night doesn't make her any less of a titleholder. We love our Miss Minnesota!
Saturday, August 31, 2013
My first appearance and college
Hi all! It's almost been one week since I was crowned Miss Brainerd Lakes 2013 and boy has it been a crazy one! On Tuesday, I made my first official appearance as Miss Brainerd Lakes at the radio station here in Brainerd - BL Broadcasting! Tess Taylor, from WJJY radio, has been such a great supporter of the Miss Brainerd Lakes Scholarship Program by being our emcee for the pageant and many other events the Miss Brainerd Lakes committee puts on. Lauren J., Molly, and myself all visited the station to record a few things that will be aired throughout the year. Lauren A., Miss Central Lakes' Outstanding Teen was unable to make it.
Also that day, Molly and myself made a trip to downtown Nisswa to stop by another great sponsor of the Miss Brainerd Lakes Scholarship Program! RW Jewelers of Nisswa sponsored both the Miss Brainerd Lakes and Miss Brainerd Lakes' Outstanding Teen crowns and sashes. Thank you to Randy and Stacey! They both are such civic-minded community members and the Miss Brainerd Lakes Scholarship Program is so blessed to have them supporting us.
Molly and I also had to stop at the Chocolate Ox for some ice cream :)
Then Thursday was the big day - I officially moved in to my dorm at Bethel University! It is such an exciting time in my life. I couldn't have picked a better school! I am feeling so at home and feeling even more blessed to be surrounded by people of the same faith. I can't wait for classes to start on Tuesday! What's better is that Miss Coon Rapids, Emily Kallis, and Miss Waseca County Sleigh and Cutter, Katie Schroeder both go to school here! Also a former competitor, Liz Burd, works here. So many pageant people in one place :) Feeling blessed!
Also that day, Molly and myself made a trip to downtown Nisswa to stop by another great sponsor of the Miss Brainerd Lakes Scholarship Program! RW Jewelers of Nisswa sponsored both the Miss Brainerd Lakes and Miss Brainerd Lakes' Outstanding Teen crowns and sashes. Thank you to Randy and Stacey! They both are such civic-minded community members and the Miss Brainerd Lakes Scholarship Program is so blessed to have them supporting us.
Molly and I also had to stop at the Chocolate Ox for some ice cream :)
Then Thursday was the big day - I officially moved in to my dorm at Bethel University! It is such an exciting time in my life. I couldn't have picked a better school! I am feeling so at home and feeling even more blessed to be surrounded by people of the same faith. I can't wait for classes to start on Tuesday! What's better is that Miss Coon Rapids, Emily Kallis, and Miss Waseca County Sleigh and Cutter, Katie Schroeder both go to school here! Also a former competitor, Liz Burd, works here. So many pageant people in one place :) Feeling blessed!
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