The comments were made about my weight and the swimsuit portion of competition. First I wanted to say thanks to those who stuck up for me. I'm not sure who you were but please know that I'm incredible grateful that there are plenty of people out there who look past how much people weigh and focus on who people are on the inside. Character is the most important thing to me, and throughout my pageant experiences I've focused on maintaining a high moral character and making myself better from the inside, out.
Since first started out as a teen contestant in the Miss Minnesota's Outstanding Teen pageant, my body has changed dramatically as any normal teenage body does during those early teen years. At 14 years old in my first pageant, I was very insecure. I was overweight and had zero confidence. By the time I was crowned Miss Minnesota's Outstanding Teen 2012 four years later, I had lost 20 pounds, dropped 2 pant sizes, and most importantly gained so much self-confidence. I can assure you I did it the right way, also. I certainly wasn't the skinniest or the fittest girl on stage the night I was crowned Miss Minnesota's Outstanding Teen 2012, but I still won because a panel of judges decided to look past what they saw on the outside and focus on what was on the inside.
Since giving up the title of Miss Minnesota's Outstanding Teen just 5 months ago, I've lost even more weight and dropped another pant size - the healthy way. No starvation required. Just more healthy foods, Herbalife, more gym time, and a healthy mindset.
Once comment in particular on this anonymous board commented about why I haven't focused on the swimsuit portion when I've been in this program for nearly 5 years. I was incredibly frustrated by this comment because I have in fact focused on this portion of competition. I've lost close to 25 pounds over a 2 year period. Of course you're not going to notice a difference in my body because the weight has gradually come off. When you compare my body to girls that are 4 sizes smaller than mine, yes I probably do look overweight. But when you compare my body today to the body I had when I was 14, that's when you see the major difference. I will never be a size 2. And if I ever am, I would have an eating disorder.
While I know that I could be more toned (and I'm working on it), my focus when it comes to swimsuit is confidence. Miss America was set in place to help young women attend college and reach their goals. Confidence will take you much farther in life and help you accomplish those goals than a stick thin body. When preparing for swimsuit, my emotional well-being comes first then my physical appearance. When your mind is in the right place then the rest will follow.
I'm not saying that I don't have any work to do when it comes to swimsuit. What I am saying is that you don't have to be skinny to win a pageant. I'm here to prove that to nay-sayers. I'm here to prove to all the women out there who don't think they're skinny to win a pageant that it is in fact possible. If I can do it so can you.
2 weeks ago compared to 2 years ago.
Bailey, I don't know you, have never met you, but I want to tell you I've been amazed by your transformation. You look fabulous!! Keep up the great work. Minnesota is lucky to have you as a title holder!